Ava DuVernay and Autumn Riley

The birth of Ava DuVernay occurred on August 24, 1972, in Long Beach California. DuVernay received encouragement from Aunt Denise as a little girl. Aunt Denise was a nurse and was a night shift worker so she could devote her days to literature, theatre, and art. DuVernay was captivated by the 1961 film West Side Story after her aunt introduced it to DuVernay. DuVernay was taught by her that art can be an instrument for social activism. DuVernay grew up with her mother who was socially conscious and taught her how to utilize the arts as a means of expression. DuVernay was raised in Compton with her parents however she was able to spend the summers in Lowndes County Alabama. This is the place where her father's family was for many generations. Her father was awed by the historic Civil Rights marches across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in neighboring Selma Alabama. DuVernay was influenced by her summers in Selma, and later directed the documentary of King's father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. DuVernay graduated with a high school diploma at Saint Joseph High School, Lakewood California in 1990. Following graduation, DuVernay enrolled in the University of California Los Angeles and earned degrees both in English and African American study. DuVernay was a student at the college when she became fascinated by the production aspect of broadcast journalism. She began as an intern with CBS News during the O.J. Simpson trial. DuVernay remembers being asked check the trash at the home of one of jury. After being disappointed in journalism by the tasks she was handed and deciding to go after a career in publicity. DuVernay was offered a job straight from college, working as a new publicist at a studio. The year 1999 was the time she established her own business that specialized in public relations, The DuVernay Agency. Besides PR, the agency developed several lifestyle websites including Urban Beauty Collective, Urban Thought Collective Urban Eye, HelloBeautiful. Autumn Riley.............................Autumn Riley was born in Los Angeles United States. Autumn Riley's birth sign is . Autumn Riley is an American actress who is famous by her roles in American Experience (1997) and A More Perfect Union (2009). Autumn has appeared as Rose in A More Perfect Union (2009) and Anna Payne, in American Experience (1987).

 Ava DuVernay  Ava e l DuVernay  Autumn Riley  Autumn x b Riley


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