Anna Skidanova

Anna Skidanova, whose biography is consideredin our article was born on October 24 1987, in a small town of Zhasminovka which is in the suburb of Saratov. It is impossible to say whether the heroine of our story dreamed to become an actress since childhood. It was difficult for a girl of her age to imagine being an actress given the context of her youth. As with many other girls of the time Anna Skidanova's plans for the future included obtaining a high-quality educational knowledge and a move to the capital. Anna Skidanova began studying political sciences at SaratovUniversity following her graduation from the Lyceum. The degree of the highly regarded University was unattainable for our heroine. An agency for modeling in the local area noticed the attractive girl's bright and thin look. Anna Skidanova soon began participating in fashion shows regularly held overseas. Her earnings were sufficient to allow her not only to feed her parents, but also to live in Moscow. Anna Skidanova stayed busy in the city. She applied to join the State Institute of Theater and Satire and was accepted in on her first try. After the first year, producers of the Margosha TV show noticed her talent. After appearing in a few episodes, the aspiring actress soon found herself captivated. Anna collaborated with famous actors such as Maria Berseneva Elena Perova Eduard Trukhmenev on the show. Anna Skidanova comes from Saratov in Russia. She's well-known by her role in Hercules Woman, Scary Movie V. Anna Skidanova has 35 years old in 2023. Anna Skidanova has more information in the following paragraphs. Anna Skidanova was a born in Saratov. Anna Skidanova carries the Scorpio zodiac sign. Anna Skidanova, an actress best known by her roles in Hercules Woman In Gold Kristy and Scary Movie V. She also took part to Luna and Drugoy Bereg. Anna Skidanova, born October 24, 1987, in Saratov Saratov Oblast RSFSR USSR. She is best known for Hercules 2014, Woman in Gold 2015 and Scary Movie V 2013.

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